The key differences between ISO 27001:2022 and ISO 27001:2013

ISO 27001 2013,计算器,信息安全,网络安全,网络安全法,黑客,渗透测试,隐私,iso27001,风险管理, 计算机安全,互联网安全,网络安全,信息安全, 风险评估,网络安全工程师,网络安全教育,隐私保护,风险控制,风险分析,风险评估报告,风险识别,安全审计,安全评估,隐私权, 信息技术安全审计,信息安全审计,电子计算器,渗透测试,ISO/IEC 27001,ISO27001, 信息安全专业,信息安全管理,隐私法,信息安全审计,黑客入侵, 资讯安全管理系统,信息系统安全认证专家,注册信息系统审计师资格,通用数据保护条例,注册信息系统审计师资格,信息安全审计,隐私权,信息隐私,隐私权政策, 网络安全论文,渗透测试工具,信息安全技术,网络安全知识,信息安全审计,网络安全教程,隐私条款,隐私网, 网络安全论文,渗透测试工具,信息安全技术,网络安全知识,信息安全审计,网络安全教程,隐私条款,隐私网,信息技术安全评估共同准则,隐私权政策,国际信息系统安全认证联盟, 信息安全应急预案,信息安全解决方案,信息安全论文,网络安全工程师认证,Hack, Risk, Compliance, Hacker, 计算器,信息安全,网络安全,网络安全法,黑客,渗透测试,隐私,iso27001,风险管理, 计算机安全,互联网安全,网络安全,信息安全, PIA, GDPR, Risk Assessment, hacker typer, IT Consulting, data privacy, SOX, Data protection, information security, 网络安全工程师,网络安全教育,隐私保护,风险控制,风险分析,风险评估报告,风险识别,安全审计,安全评估,隐私权, 信息技术安全审计,信息安全审计,电子计算器,渗透测试,ISO/IEC 27001,ISO27001, network security, cyber security, IT audit, ISO/IEC 27001, IT security, Penetration test, IT consulting, 信息安全专业,信息安全管理,隐私法,信息安全审计,黑客入侵,资讯安全管理系统,信息系统安全认证专家,注册信息系统审计师资格,通用数据保护条例,注册信息系统审计师资格,信息安全审计,隐私权,信息隐私,隐私权政策, Sraa, Pen test, external audit, 网络安全论文,渗透测试工具,信息安全技术,网络安全知识,信息安全审计,网络安全教程,隐私条款,隐私网, 信息安全应急预案,信息安全解决方案,信息安全论文,网络安全工程师认证,Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard, Security assessment, Privacy Impact Assessment, 隐私权政策,国际信息系统安全认证联盟, IT Security Assessment And Audit, Compliance, Data Security,ISO 27001 Audit, GDPR Audit, Penetration Test, Cyber Security, Risk assessment, Data Protection, Data Privacy, SOX, CISA, CISSP, CISM
iso27001 Risk Control

Here are some of the main differences between ISO 27001:2022 and ISO 27001:2013. Each difference also has the related article for more details:

1st Difference – Number of Controls:

ISO 27001:2022 now has 93 controls compared to 114 controls in ISO 27001:2013. There are 11 new controls in the 2022 version of the standard1. 56 controls in ISO/IEC 27001:2013 have been merged into 24 controls in ISO/IEC 27001:2022.

2nd Difference – Structure of Controls:

The controls in ISO 27001:2022 are organized into 4 themes: Organizational, People, Physical, and Technical1. This is a change from the 14 sections in ISO 27001:2013.

3st Difference – Holistic Approach:

While ISO 27001:2013 primarily focused on the CIA triad (confidentiality, integrity, availability) in risk assessment, ISO 27001:2022 adopts a more holistic approach2. It encourages organizations to consider a wide range of threats and vulnerabilities, including physical security, personnel security, and business continuity, among others.

ISO 27001:2022 vs ISO 27001:2013, Key differences between ISO 27001:2022 and ISO 27001:2013, Comparison of ISO 27001:2022 and ISO 27001:2013, Changes in ISO 27001:2022, New controls in ISO 27001:2022, Holistic approach in ISO 27001:2022, Risk management in ISO 27001:2022, Transition to ISO 27001:2022, ISO 27001:2022 requirements, ISO 27001:2022 certification.

4th Difference – New Requirements:

Several clauses were reworded or reordered in ISO/IEC 27001:20221. There are minimal new requirements in clauses 4-101. However, the change in clause 4.4 will significantly impact how an organization manages their ISMS.

5th Difference -Transition Period:

Organizations will have 36 months from the last day of the publication month (i.e., 31 October 2025) to transition to the new version of the standard.

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